Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

Hey Squadies!

As the winter chill settles in and daylight hours dwindle, it's common for the blues to make an appearance. But fear not! I've got your back with some strategies to keep the seasonal gloom at bay, and yes, there's a bit of a LEANMAS surprise too.

Exercise: Your Natural Mood Booster

When it comes to battling the winter blues, few weapons are as powerful as exercise. Moving our bodies releases endorphins, those feel-good neurotransmitters that act as natural mood lifters. Even a short, brisk workout can make a significant difference. The LEANSQUAD App is the perfect place for these types of workouts.

Beyond the physical benefits, exercise cultivates a sense of accomplishment and boosts self-confidence. The cumulative effect of these short, intentional bursts of activity extends far beyond the workout, contributing to a happier, more energized you. The beauty lies not just in the physical transformation but in the profound influence on your mental well-being. If you are in a bit of a lull right now, give exercise a shot and see how you feel!

A great place to start is my 4th Annual LEANMAS Challenge, starting Monday, December 4th, where we will focus on one singular goal: completing 12, 20 minute HIIT workouts before December 25th. The holiday season is all about ENJOYING ourselves and if we keep moving throughout it, we will feel better, have more energy, feel more confident and enjoy ourselves 10x more! You can also join any of my other 10 lean programs designed for all different fitness levels. You can join for just $9.99 for the month right now!

Nourish Your Body: Healthy Eating, Happy Mind

Fueling your body with the right nutrients is a key ingredient in maintaining mental well-being. Embrace the winter holidays with joy, relishing in the delightful flavors and festive feasts. While it's tempting to indulge, striking a balance is crucial. Opt for nutrient-rich foods like those packed with omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, known to boost mood. 

By prioritizing healthy, nourishing meals on most days, you're not only providing your body with essential nutrients but also creating room to savor those special holiday indulgences even more. Enjoy the festivities with the knowledge that your commitment to a healthy lifestyle allows you to relish in the seasonal delights guilt-free.

Light Up Your Space: Beat the Darkness

Illuminate your surroundings to conquer the winter darkness and lift your spirits. Combat the seasonal blues by introducing bright lamps or maximizing natural light. Open your curtains during the day to invite the rejuvenating power of sunlight into your space. 

Exposure to natural light not only enhances your mood but also boosts your energy levels, helping you stay vibrant and motivated during the winter months. Creating a well-lit and uplifting environment in your home can be a simple yet effective strategy to fend off the winter blues.

Prioritize Self-Care: Warm Your Soul

Cozy up with a good book, treat yourself to a warm cup of tea, or indulge in a hot bath. Taking time for self-care rituals can be especially beneficial during the darker months.

Remember squadies, winter is just a season, not a sentence. With a bit of movement, a sprinkle of community spirit from LEANMAS, and some self-care, you'll be shining your own light through the winter months.

Stay warm, stay active, and let's make this LEANMAS the best one yet!


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